My Story


Feline Edge

From as young as I can remember music has been a part of me and one of the things in life that I cherish and love.
As a young girl in Melbourne Victoria, Australia, which is where I was born, I nagged/persuaded my parents, for many years, to buy me a guitar.
 I must have been young as I was finally granted this wish at 10.

   Guitar lessons followed in the style of countryish, popish, main stream soft stuff, which I just am not a fan of to this day. (The Classic Rockin Robin springs to mind hahahah tweet tweet tweedily tweet, only some of you will get that.)
  When I was 13/14 my family and I did the big transition sea change to Queensland and I began my high school years in Yeppoon.
   Our family lived a somewhat hippie existence at the time which has had a definite influence on the style of song writing that I resonate with.
Growing up, Heavy Metal was my favourite from Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Hawkwind but I did also enjoy Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell and other Folk artists which all had an influence on the songs I would compose and still write to this day. Enmeshed with a respect for the natural world and our freedoms to be who we want to be, has always felt right to me. Spot lighting corruptions that have existed for a very long time.
Playing my guitar and writing were my absolute sanity throughout my teenage years. (plus Black Sabbath lol)
   My song “What’s the world comin’ to” was penned in 1977 by  myself and my best friend at the time on one of the many times we wagged school…..failed to attend classes.

It surprizes me, but in many ways, also not, how relevant my songs are today. Which speaks volumes as too how little structures have changed in all this time.
The right live how we choose, Peace and Freedom,  Society's corruptions, Injustices and Greed is still the content that I like to express thru my music and my poetry. 
    I feel my songs relate so much to current circumstances that it seems like I only wrote them yesterday not over 40 years ago. I have had my songs discribed as predictive which is a mind blowin thought.

      I was always drawn to artistic endeavours with poetry being a big part of my natural leanings. Everywhere I went I carried pen/pencil, paper never knowing when inspiration would flow, I have written on sand, drink coasters and scraps of paper, improvising on a “must have right now” whim to write. 
This has always felt like a had to, with no choice, with my thoughts/words spiralling around in my head until the words were written down.
This happens to this day, which can have its moments of annoyance at 3-4am in the morning. The phrase will continue on repeat until written down, and then of course other words flow after that. 
Any writers, poets will know what I mean and resonate with this.

    For a long time, I have felt that my songs, music, words are my soul purpose, what I am meant to be contributing to the collective, the here and now.
Occasionally wondering why I haven’t done this sooner, share my songs with the world.
I now realise that Timing is important and that Now is the right time for them to be shared.
 Life experiences, challenges I have faced over many years have made me stronger and in turn given me the confidence to speak my truth and share what I believe with the world.
You are never too old and it is never to late to follow a dream however large or small.
Follow a heart calling and step into what you feel is your life purpose.

    Is every one going to like what I have to share, definitely not, but it matters little to me anymore what others think I should be doing and their opinions about my style and the me that I share. Who I am.
   What I give will resonate with some and that is all that matters, if it makes one person smile, if it gives another strength or helps another to step onto their dream path, that is enough.


Tattoos, such a huge love and part of my life for a long time. Simple self applied Marks on my skin from high school age to adorning a full back, full sleeve and basically too many to count, more Tattoos then most females get or will ever get. When I first started my Tattoo collection it was quite the novelty for a Girl to possess so many. I can remember gasps and looks of horror from many, not being served in shops and treated like I was a criminal all because of my Tattoos. I have adorned the pages of many a magazine, won countless trophies and have been honoured to see Tattooing in it's infancy as an industry. These days it enjoys a much higher level of acceptance then years past and has grown in popularity that most instead of a few adorn there bodies with Art.  I have had the pleasure of knowing the Tattoo industry on a much more intimate level then most enthusiats. In 2002 becoming the owner of a Tattoo Studio in Gympie Queensland.  Taking up the machine myself and creating indelible art on others. So many adventures, way to many to recount here. The meeting of many characters, awesome individuals, lifetime friendships made, travelling Australia wide in attendance of Tattoo conventions, holding a position on the committee of a Tattoo association for many years. Am a member of two Tattooist only associations presently and  have owned Cooloola Tattoo, for close to 20 years. And now the number one question, Does it hurt ?  haha  guess you may just have to find out for yourself. 


Sebastian is my friend whom has been in my life since he was a few months old in 2008 . A much loved member of the family who was a gift from my Son. I must say that when he first came into my life I was a bit cautious, unsure, maybe even a little frightened but my fears were unfounded and undoubtedly conditioned from a lack of understanding of these beautiful creatures. He was so tiny then that now I wonder why the huge size he has grown to has not freaked me out. But as his growth has been so gradual and that I spend time with him everyday, I haven't really been disturbed by his size. He has a definite personality which I would summarise as quirky, funny, gentle and one of a kind. I will often leave his tank open for him to decide whether or not he wants to come and explore surroundings. Sometimes it's yes and other times no. He has mellowed in his older age for sure. Sebastian is a Coastal Carpet Python which are quite common here in the wild.

Caz with her Husband Brent.